Zhengwei Hu

Data Scientist, System Health Analytics Group, John Deere           


Dr. Zhengwei Hu

Zhengwei Hu

Data Scientist, System Health Analytics Group, John Deere           



Dr. Zhengwei Hu has been a Data Scientist in System Health Analytics Group at John Deere since 2019. Dr. Hu is highly recognized for his work in data mining, data labeling, visualizations, pattern recognition, and developing machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) solutions to address customer needs. As leader of multiple innovative ML projects, Dr. Hu is involved in the advancement of analytic capabilities and strategies used to develop insights for components of the tech stack. He has optimized the reliability analysis and failure prediction system by integrating with ML/DL models. Also, he has developed time series models to monitor machines’ working status and to send alerts before potential failures occur.

Dr. Hu received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2018. His research interests spanned mechanical system reliability analysis, machine learning and Robotics. Most of his research work focused on risk assessment, reliability-based design optimization, and system failure prediction through statistical modeling, design of experiments, probabilistic engineering design and machine learning methods.

Dr. Hu is Certified Reliability Engineer of American Society for Quality (ASQ) and is professional member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He serves as active reviewer for 10 top-tier journals in the areas of Machine Learning, Reliability Engineering, Aerospace Science, Optimization, and Applied Mathematics.